Belt and Collar Ranking System
Each of the affiliated schools follow this main ranking system. However, individual schools have the ability to customize their ranking system to include kid belts, half belts, quarter belts, and belt stripes. These customization may vary from one school to the next.
Belts indicate rank and Collars indicate teaching certification. The MTA tests for teaching certification separately from rank. Color belts are typically tested within the schools. Organization-wide Black Belt and Collar testings are held twice a year in April and September.
Collar teaching certification requires an in-depth written and practical test demonstrating knowledge of technique, forms, one-steps, sparring, board breaks, self-defense, teaching ability, and technique application. Green through Red Collars are certified assistant instructors. Black Collars are full instructors. Fourth Degree Black Collars are Master Apprentice instructors. Seventh Degrees are Master Instructors.

Form: Courtesy
The color white signifies innocence, as that of a beginning student who has no previous knowledge of Taekwondo.
Courtesy means showing respect and kindness to others.

Yellow Recomended
Form: Integrity
The color yellow signifies Earth, from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the Taekwondo foundation is being laid. Yellow also means to proceed with caution.
Integrity means to do what's right at all times, even if no one is looking.

Yellow Decided
Form: Perceverance
The color yellow signifies Earth, from which a plant sprouts and takes root as the Taekwondo foundation is being laid. Yellow also means to proceed with caution.
Perseverance means never giving up no matter how hard something becomes.

Green Recommended
Form: Self Control
The color green signifies a plant’s growth, as Taekwondo skills begin to develop. We begin to see focus and coordination of technique. Green represents drive or determination, a new desire to learn.
Self-control means always being in control of one's actions, emotions, and words, and never losing your temper.

Green Decided
Form: Indomitable Spirit
The color green signifies a plant’s growth, as Taekwondo skills begin to develop. We begin to see focus and coordination of technique. Green represents drive or determination, a new desire to learn.
Indomitable spirit means believing in someone or something so strongly that no matter what anyone says, your belief cannot be shaken

Blue Recommended
Form: Confidence
The color blue signifies the sky or heaven. Like a tall plant or tree growing towards the blue sky, your Taekwondo skills are growing strong.
Confidence means self-reliance in one's own abilities and power of judgment.

Blue Decided
Form: Allegiance
The color blue signifies the sky or heaven. Like a tall plant or tree growing towards the blue sky, your Taekwondo skills are growing strong.
Allegiance means be loyal to one's country, instructor, family, and friends.

Red Recommended
Form: Assertiveness
The color red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away. The student has now attained speed and strength in unison. It is now time to work on accuracy.
Assertiveness means dominating with a positive statement, attitude, or manner, allowing no denial or opposition when you are right or innocent

Red Decided
Form: Serenity
The color red signifies danger, cautioning the student to exercise control and warning the opponent to stay away. The student has now attained speed and strength in unison. It is now time to work on accuracy.
Serenity means obtaining tranquility with oneself, clear and calm inner feelings, at peace with oneself.

Black Recommended
Form: Kwang Gae
Black is the opposite of white, therefore signifying a maturity and proficiency in Taekwondo. It also indicates the holder’s imperiousness to darkness and fear.
Kwang Gae is named after the famous Gwang-Gae-Toh-Dae-Wang, the 19" King of the Koguryo Dynasty of Korea, who regained all the lost territories, including the greater part of Manchuria. The diagram represents the expansion and recovery of lost territory. The 39 movements refer to the first two figures of AD 391, the year he came to the throne.

Black Belt
Forms: Po Eun, Ge Baek, Eui Am, Choong Jang, Ju-Che, Sam Il, Yoo Sin, Choi Yong, Yon Gae, Ul Ji, Moon Moo, So San, Se Jong. Tong Il
Black is the opposite of white, therefore signifying a maturity and proficiency in Taekwondo. It also indicates the holder’s imperiousness to darkness and fear.
1st Degree
Po Eun
Ge Baek
2nd Degree
Eui Am
Choong Jang
3rd Degree
Sam Il
Yoo Sin
Choi Yong
4th Degree
Yon Gae
Ul Ji
Moon Moo
5th Degree
So San
Se Jong
6th Degree
Tong Il

Green Collar
Assistant Instructor under the age of 12

Blue Collar
Assistant Instructor under the age of 16

Red Collar
Assistant Instructor ages 16 and up

Black Collar
Full Instructor