MTA In-House Tournament February 10th, 2018
At the Ozark Community Center: 1530 W. Jackson in Ozark, MO
Upstairs Conference Room
The tournament will include Competitions in Forms, Weapons, Sparring,
and Little Dragons (ages 4-6) for all MTA students.
9 AM - Check-in and Registration starts
9:30 AM - Black belt meeting
10 AM Weapon Forms
10:30 AM Little Dragons and Forms all belts (White through Black)
12:00 PM One-steps and Sparring
Events may start later depending on the number of competitors, but will not start before the scheduled time.
Pre-registration fees: $25 for all events, and $35 at the door.
Must prepay your instructor by January 31, 2018.
To pre-register please complete the registration form and return it to your instructor by this date.
Return your Tournament Registration Form from your instructor TODAY!
Tournament rules
The division will be divided out the day of the tournament.
It will depend on the number of competitors at each
belt and age range.
Remember we have the right to alter divisions and the tournament depending on participants
Uniform Rules
They must be clean and neat.
Sparring rules:
Required equipment: Helmets, hand pads, feet pads covering the entire top part of the foot, mouthpieces, cup and supporters for men. You must have the above items in order to compete in sparring.
Double elimination. The rounds will be 2 minutes continuous.
No excessive contact allowed! You will get up to three warnings for excessive contact, after the
third warning you will be disqualified.
Point system: Punch to body and head: 1 Point
Kick to the body and head: 2 Points
Jump kick to the head: 3 Points
Green belts: (White and Yellow sparring will be placed in the Green belt division). Kicks will
be allowed above the belt and to the head. Punches will be allowed to the body. Backfist to the
head will be allowed.
Blue belts: Kicks will be allowed above the belt and to the head. Punches will be allowed to the
body. Backfist and Ridge hand will be allowed to the head.
Red and black belts: Kicks will be allowed above the belt and to the head. Punches will be
allowed to the body and head.
Form Rules
The form should be the student’s most current complete form. If they were recently
promoted, and do not know their entire form, they can do the form below theirs. Forms will be judged on a point system from 5.0 to 9.5. Highest score wins.
One-Steps Rules
One-Steps will be judged on a point system similar to forms (5.0 to 9.5).
Little Dragons
Little-dragons: Ages 3, 4, 5, and 6 year-olds will do forms (or kicks if they do not know a form) and sparring flag.
Kicks for White Belt will be Front Kick, Side Kick, Back leg Round kick, Crescent Kick.
Sparring Flag: Students will have 8 "flags' on their belts. The student who pulls all of the flags
off their opponent wins. They can't hang on to the flags. They can't run away, but they can
move around to avoid getting their flags removed. Students will wear helmets to prevent
bumping of heads.